Platinum Games reveals their reasons why NieR: Automata won’t be coming to Xbox One and only to be released on the popular platform. (so Platinum Games indirectly said that XBox One probably isn’t popular enough)
Platinum Games’ latest action-RPG NieR: Automata won’t be coming to XBox One but will be released on PC. Most of you would be wondering how and why the Platinum Games reach such conclusion, Platinum Games and Square Enix could enhance their total potential to get maximum sales by releasing the games on varieties of platforms.
“The main reason for this is that the Japanese market for XBox One is not strong, so the decision was made to focus on PlayStation 4 rather than to split our efforts across two platforms,” said Yosuke Saito, the game producer to Express UK in a recent interview.
Yosuke Saito also said that the benefits being able to focus on a single platform meant more time to increase and have a great game optimization all-around. The statement single platform may have destroyed some of the PC-user as they probably cancel NieR: Automata PC-platform. In addition, Square Enix never talked about PC port’s release date for quite some time now and PC not even listed on NieR: Automata’s JP site or on Platinum Games’ NieR site.
“The biggest benefit to developing on one platform is that we did not have to split our time, allowing us to focus more on the quality. It is not about whether one platform is better than the other, it’s that from a development point of view, we can devote more time to one platform”
If Platinum Games is making a PC Port for Windows 10, there is the probability where the developers can use the Microsoft’s UWP platform to efficiently scale the game onto XBox One. Nonetheless, steam version probably not be on sale.
So this interview left us a lot of question marks above our head thinking that is the PC port is in jeopardy, or won’t be release after a long time?