A new patch for Overwatch just hit PC and Xbox One recently, with the PS4 version coming as soon as possible. The new patch introduces the new changes for competitive mode that was tested on the PTR (Public Test Region) on PC- with bigger scale for Skill Ratings (0-5000 instead of 0-100), tiers, removal of sudden deaths, time bank system on payload and hybrid maps, and plenty of behind-the scene changes.
In terms of content, the new map Eichenwalde is now available for everyone, as well as new sitting and laughing emotes for all heroes- purchasable with in-game currency.
Aside from that, there’s a slew of balance changes- many heroes got nerfed (Genji, Lucio, Zenyatta) while others buffed (Hanzo, Mercy, Mei, Soldier 76). One particular map got a change as well, Watchpoint: Gibraltar now only has three payload checkpoints instead of four- the first one before entering the hangar is now removed.
You can peruse the full patch notes here.