Narrative-Driven Post-Apocalypse Survival City Builder Homeseek Out Now

Homeseek is a new survival city-builder with a narrative hook developed by Traptics and published by Singapore’s The Iterative Collective. And it’s out now.

Homeseek sets you in a post-apocalypse world where vault dwellers are now forced to move to the outside world, and make do with whatever is left of it. Which isn’t a lot.

The game is less about building roads and decorations, but more about managing finite resources which include water, food, and people. As you follow the story beat, you’ll be sending expeditions to explore the wasteland for new tech that can be researched, or new laws that can be enacted on your settlement.

Homeseek does have a sandbox Endless mode, but you’re expected to go through the narrative-driven missions, each with objectives and a story that slowly introduces its survival city-builder mechanics. There are two story campaigns, each split into multiple levels (which can also be played as one contiguous playthrough).

If you’re in the mood for a narrative-driven survival city builder in the veins of Frostpunk and Ixion, Homeseek will scratch that itch.

Homeseek is out now on PC (Steam).

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