Aside from the early E3 trailer, Gran Turismo Sport has a few more things to be shown at E3. What we have here is a trailer of just gameplay footage of the game, including scenes of some racing in both real-time and replay mode on all the currently shown tracks, a glimpse of the beautiful menus, and some scenes from.. Scenes, the new name for the location-based photo mode.
Check it out here:
However, it is known that YouTube videos don’t really do justice for some games due to the bitrate of the videos there, hence a slightly lower quality. If you like to see the same trailer in its full glory the folks running the GT website even provided a 3GB download of the raw footage in its full glory here. There’s also tons of screenshots available there as well, but here is a selection of the many screenshots of GT Sport for your perusing.
GT Sport is set to be available for the PS4 on November 15.