Mongolia Returns In Civilization VI: Rise And Fall

Firaxis has revealed the third new civilization for the upcoming expansion for Civilization VI. And it’s another returning civ. Joining Korea and the Netherlands is Mongolia, lead by Genghis Khan.

As expected, Mongolia will be focusing on military might. The Mongolian Civ has the Örtoo ability, sending a trading route will immediately produce a trading outpost which increases diplomatic visibility. Gaining more visibility not only lets you know what other civs are up to, but Mongolians have bonus combat strength for each level of visibility. Never trust them if they offer a friendship.

Mongolia’s strong cavalry also returns. The Ordu, a stable replacement, adds movement bonus for light and heavy cavalry units trained there, the Keshig unique unit is a ranged cavalry which can allow support and civilian units to share its movement speed when in formation. Perfect for speedy forward settlings. Genghis Khan’s unique ability, Mongol Horde, give cavalry units more combat strength and a chance to capture defeated enemy units.

Mongolia will be one formidable force for those who want to get domination victory, and a major threat should you find them as neighbours in your game.

Civilization VI: Rise and Fall will be out on February 8, 2018 for the PC.

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