Mobile Game King Of Fighters All Stars Is Having A Crossover With Tekken In New Limited-Time Event

Fighting games and crossovers are normal these days. But to see two big fighting game franchises crossing over in a spin-off mobile game? This is a bit wild.

King Of Fighters All Star is a mobile game that’s more of a brawler than a traditional fighting game. But it has a huge roster from all of the King Of Fighters games with a 3-person team format. It also has a PvP mode, but a fighting game it is not.

The current limited-time event is a collaboration with Tekken, another big fighting game franchise. Characters like Jin Kazama, Heihachi and Kazuya Mishima, Ling Xiaoyu, Armor King, and Paul Phoenix can be earned and be part of your team. Though like many limited-time events, you have to work for it.

More details on how the first round of the crossover event, which is now live, is available here.

SNK has made crossovers before, most notably the Capcom VS SNK games (less notable is SVC Chaos). Tekken also has cross-overed with Capcom via Street Fighter X Tekken, and Street Fighter’s Akuma is part of Tekken 7’s roster.

It may not be a full-fledged fighting game, but to see these two franchises collide is still amazing.

King Of Fighters All Star is out now and available on iOS and Android.

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