The Capcom Pro Tour is going on strong post-EVO with many Ranking Tournaments being held all over the world. South East Asia is getting part of the action too with many ranking tournaments lining up around this month. The ABUGET Cup, held in Indonesia, is one of the first event Malaysian Street Fighter V team Flash Vision (now sponsored under ViewSonic) to send a crew of four main players to compete.
These players are VS FV|Kofmaster, VS FV| IamChuan, VS FV| Endy and VS FV| Shawnw.
Going in the tournament there are notable players from both South East Asia and travelling top dogs in the FGC hunting for ranking points. Placing well in ranking tournaments earn points in the overall Capcom Pro Tour leaderboards, with top players on the board gets an invite to the Capcom Cup, the finale event of the season in November, held at the Playstation Experience (PSX). Notable players include HM|GO1, HM|Eita and Yukadon, players that reached top 8 at EVO this year and RB|Bonchan.
Our local boys were phenomenal at the tournament where everyone reached top 16. It could’ve been everyone reaching top 8 if the brackets didn’t make it that IamChuan, the Selangor Cyber Games Street Fighter V champion, and Endy having to face each other. Shawnw was notable for maining Juri, currently considered a low-tier character and managed to reach top 8 that even caught the attention of Eventhubs, one of the leading news sites of the FGC.
The most notable performance right here is Kofmaster, the IT Centre Cup 2016 champion who managed to take down Yukadon and Bonchan on his route to the Winner’s Finals. His F.A.N.G. play certainly can keep up with the best Japanese players. The Winner’s Finals were tense as well, playing all five games in a best of five against eventual champion HM|Eita before being defeated, and then lost to HM|GO1 for a solid third place finish.
Congratulations to Team Flash Vision with the amazing performance of all their players. This should be something to keep the momentum up as they are going to Singapore this weekend for the South East Asia Majors, held inside GameStart Asia.
Rankings of ABUGET Cup 2016 are as follows (courtesy of Eventhubs):
1. HM|Eita (Ken)
2. HM|Go1 (Chun-Li)
3. VS|KoFMaster (F.A.N.G)
4. RB|Bonchan (Nash)
5. YouDeal|Yukadon (Nash)
5. Shamwow (Chun-Li)
7. FV|Chuan (Guile)
7. FV|Shaunw (Juri)
9. CG|Arreyvan (M. Bison)
9. FV|Endy (F.A.N.G)
9. AronManurung (Nash)
9. Kontoru (Dhalsim)
13. Cahyanto
13. Dion Pakyon (Guile)
13. TGU|MindRPG (M. Bison, Necalli, Urien)
13. Susubabi (R. Mika, Ryu)
(header picture courtesy of the Malaysian Fighting Game Community Facebook page. Thanks Suk Tuck Ng !)