Join Two Different Malaysian Fighting Game Community Gatherings And Tournaments This Weekend

Are you in KL this weekend and love fighting games? Here’s some good news. There are two different gatherings organised by the Malaysian Fighting Game Community (MyFGC) on the July 15 and 16.

First up there’s the Hitbox Gaming Mini Raya tournament at Hitbox Gaming, SS15. There will be three different games being played- Tekken 7 on July 15 whereas Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 and Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 will be held the next day. Both events take place from 11AM to 7PM.

Entry is only RM5 per game and each entry will get a free voucher from the gaming shop. A livestream EVO 2017, the premier fighting game event, will be available as well.

For more details, check out the Facebook page here.

The second event is the MyFGC Raya Gathering at their main HQ: Geek Empire Ampang. Held for one day only on July 16, there will be four different tournaments: Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, King Of Fighters XIV and Ultra Street Fighter IV.

Entry is RM20, but you can enter all the tournaments with that fee. Also, a buffet will be served throughout the event.

There will be prizes for the MyFGC Raya Gathering tournaments sponsored by Armaggeddon Gaming.

You can find the full details in this post here. Link to the registration form can be found here.

That’s two big gatherings for fighting games this weekend. Come on over and don’t be a stranger- the fighting game community here welcomes everyone to their events.

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