The Power Rangers comparison to the recently unveiled Magitek Exosuit has unfortunately caught the wrong attention. While Square Enix themselves never made the comparison, a lot of other outlets reporting on the suits (including us) see it looking pretty similar to a Super Sentai at the least, and very closely resemble the upcoming movie reboot at most.
In the same Active Time Report that announced the updates for a better Chapter 13 and PS4 Pro support, it was revealed that “the Power Rangers publisher” (which could be either the movie producers Lionsgate or the rights owner Saban) had contacted Square Enix on the matter. As such they decided to just redesign them instead of getting into deeper discussions.
Saban has a history of being very protective of their Power Rangers brand. Brazilian made indie game Chroma Squad got in trouble with Saban despite the developers’ clear intent on homaging the original Super Sentai series rather than Power Rangers. It’s a bit unfortunate that they have to be so protective, considering their official games, with one of them just released this year, are not any good.
With the invincible suits delayed, we now do not have any information on what the Booster Pack DLC will contain. It is still on track for the February 21 release, and will be available in two versions: free and paid with extra items included.