The second Nexus Challenge goes live in Heroes of The Storm in 2.0 patch and once again, the quest rewards are featuring content for both HoTS and Overwatch.
Each week of the Nexus even will unlock new rewards if and only if the quest is fulfilled. the quest rewards are determined by week so you guys could set your date and make a Lan party to grind the quest in HoTS. These quests end on May 22nd. To complete a weekly quest, the player has to complete 5 rounds in HoTS with AT LEAST ONE friend in Ranked, Unranked, and Quick Match. Having more additional sweet flavor, Blizzard allows the player to complete first quest matches in Versus Ai mode.
First-week quest’s rewards allow player unlock Oni hovercycle that mounts with chroma packs variations, warbanner, spray and the original Oni Genji portrait in HoTS. Adding up, during this week, Overwatch player will be able to unlock Oni Genji skin, player icon, and spray. (HURRAH!!)
Second-week quest’s rewards on May 1st can only commence after the prior quest has been completed. After finishing five rounds, the player will unlock Busan police hovercycle mount in HoTS and Officer D.Va skin for Overwatch.
Quest 3 rewards expand on the Officer D.Va motif by offering Heroes of the Storm players a banner, portrait, and badge spray, as well as an Overwatch Nexagon Mount. Overwatch players will also receive an Officer D.Va spray and player icon to complement their new skin.
May 15th, slated the final quest which simply offers players 10 loot chests in both Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch.
Well, there you go, in case you haven’t watched the cinematics yet, don’t worry, I got you.
ps. genji didnt say “i need healing”. i rate it bad