Garena’s Malaysia Campus League (MYCL) To Offer Partial Scholarships Prize

Do you happen to have a group of friends in your college or university playing League Of Legends? Then it’s time to assemble the team! But it’s not just any tournament, but the first in Malaysia to award prize money in the way of partial scholarships. You read that right, you can have your tuition fees being paid by way of playing videogames instead of going through interviews. This has been seen in South Korea, and the US has done this before with Heroes Of The Dorm, but this is completely new territory for Malaysia.

Winners of the collegiate level of the MYCL will be awarded up to RM6,000 each. For public universities, this is more than enough to cover for a few semesters. This incentive is to promote the growth of e-sports in the country by supporting the young talents. Though it is not necessarily a way to retain such players into walking a career of e-sports, but to also encourage the building of soft skills that coincide with the players getting better at the game. Jason Ng, Vice President of Garena, sees this point in a bigger picture. “Regardless of whether they go on to play professionally, these players will be able to bring important skills of teamwork, problem-solving and creativity to other endeavours in civil society,” he said.

This is the second season of MYCL where students from colleges and universities, as well as secondary schools, represent their schools and compete in one of the most popular MOBA game. The qualifiers are a LAN-based competition, starting 13 August, in various locations around Malaysia. Winners of the qualifiers will then compete in a single elimination bracket. 8 teams will be selected for the Collegiate level playoffs while 16 will be for the Junior level.

Interested? Check out the website here to find all the details, regulations, and venue of the qualifiers. There’s also a rankings board as well in case you’re scouting for a team member playing in your school or campus.

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