E3 2016 – Sony Recap

Here’s all the news from Sony’s conference if you have missed any!


Kratos has finally returned, and to mark his triumphant return, we had a full gameplay demo of the game to open the show. Simply titled “God of War,” it is still open to debate if it’s a reboot or sequel. We see Kratos teaching his son to hunt, and of course, nothing ever goes to plan. Some spartan rage later and a dead troll, welcome back Kratos.




Sony Bend has been quiet for a long time, with little to no information about their next title until today. Days Gone tells a story of a world eradicated, with remnants of the population surviving against hordes of zombies. While the trailer for the game revealed little gameplay wise, we had the chance to witness a live gameplay demo to close out the show. Pretty hyped for this one, we definitely are spoilt for choice for zombie games these coming months.




Trico has finally and officially left development he’ll. Finally, we will bear witness to the adventures of a boy and his bird dog come October 25th. Whether the game will live up to the hype remains unclear, but boy am I glad it’s finally coming out.




Delays of this promising title from the developers behind the Killzone franchise may have dampened spirits a little. Fret not, Horizon remains gorgeous, with heroine Aloy engaging in conversation wheels, and robotic mounts! The second gameplay demo of Horizon certainly is an eye-catching display of the folks at Guerilla Games. Pre-order confirmed!




Quantic Dream’s newest trailer gave us a glimpse at another protagonist, while revealing that we will get to play a multitude of stories, all which can develop differently and have different endings. The trailer was intense, and is another graphical showcase for the Playstation platform, an interesting title to say the least.




When Shawn Layden, Chairman of SIE Worldwide Studios, returned with more reveals of VR experiences, little did anyone expect Resident Evil VII. Originally a VR experience called the Kitchen, the trailer was everything the recent entries in the storied franchise is not, creepy, disgusting and scary, wonderful news indeed. A demo of the game is also available now!



In conjunction with the RE reveal, the official price and release date for Playstation VR was confirmed by Layden. October 13th with a USD$399 price tag, Sony will also support PSVR with 50 games this year, more on that later.



One of the newly revealed VR title is Farpoint, a FPS set on a distant alien world where you appear stranded. Developed by indie studio Impulse Gear, it looked pretty polished and could be a sleeper hit in the VR space.




As teased earlier this year, Star Wars Battlefront will also be getting some action in VR, specifically a X-Wing VR mission, where you guessed it, players will be piloting X-Wings in VR, what else?!



Who needs more Batman? Everyone obviously. Accompanied by the smooth and crazy voice of Mark Hammill’s Joker, Rocksteady’s latest is a Batman Arkham VR game, get behind the cowl!




More news from Final Fantasy XV, but this time, get to play as Prompto in a VR experience specially made for the PSVR!




Straight from the VR experiences, we got a look at a space-faring level in the latest Call of Duty. Infinite Warfare, a far cry from the trailer debacle, was fast-paced, action-packed and could actually be better than initially expected. Not only that, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered will be available for Playstation players 30 days early.




Long-rumoured and equally clamoured for is Sony’s original mascot, Crash Bandicoot. Shawn Layden (He who wore a Crash t-shirt last year) finally confirmed the remasters of Crash Bandicoot 1,2 and 3 for the PS4, as well as the debut of Crash in Skylanders Imaginators. Welcome home Crash!




Dropping a demo that is  now available on the PS4, we got a new trailer for the latest Travellers’ Tale Lego game from a galaxy far, far away.



One of the biggest moments this E3 was the appearance of one HIdeo Kojima, walking onstage like the rockstar developer he was. Kojima surprisingly announced his new game, Death Stranding, via a cryptic trailer full of death, animals, an invisible baby and a very naked Norman Reedus. More to come for sure.




Last but not least, a new Spider-Man game will be coming exclusively to the PS4, developed by the competent people at Insomniac Games. Another big hit with the crowd, I cannot wait to see what they can do with the Spider-Man property with the talent and know-how of years of experience. This will not be based on any upcoming films.


There you have it, 5 conferences and bucket loads of information, spend the rest of the week soaking in the deluge of information fellow gamers, it doesn’t come any better than this!

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