Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Adds More Monetised Items With Glove Skins

You think CS:GO can’t make more stuff to make you buy them? Well, they figured something out. The latest update to the long-running FPS game brings skins to gloves. You see those hands as much as the weapons, so it’s time those gloves get some lick of paint.

The catch? As always, it’s available randomly in Glove Cases. So there’s no guarantee that you can get what sort of glove skin you wanted directly.

But! These cases start at RM23 at the time of writing. Like most of these cases, you can trade and sell it at the market. If you’re feeling a bit enterprising you can make some sweet deals by selling these off while there is high demand for gloves.

Just be careful if you are the receiving end however. Your desired glove skin is not worth hundreds of Glove Cases. Spend wisely.

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