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Opinion Piece
So You’ve Caught The Fighting Game Bug But Aren’t Sure How…
With EVO come and gone, we're probably at the highest chance for outsiders taking an interest in fighting games. One of…
Bomber Crew: Enter the Lancaster
On 19th October of 2017, Runner Duck surprisingly introduced gamers to a brand new, cartoonish simulator of a World War…
Malaysians Talk About The Best Pokémon
With the coming release of Detective Pikachu, it seems like even the more distant Pokémon fans are having their…
Opinion: Stop Making Adults Follow Children’s Rules
The internet is a funny place. For a while, it looked like we were heading for the golden age of the internet where…
Opinion: Fuck The Studios Paying To Finish The Walking Dead
Recently, the video game community has been rocked by news of Telltale Game's surprise shuttering. If you're new to…
WAmirul’s Top 5 Games For 2017
2017 was a good year for video games. As 2018 starts, this is the best time to reflect on what games the crew has been…
Amirul Ashraf’s Top 5 Games Of 2017
2017 was a good year for video games. As 2018 starts, this is the best time to reflect on what games the crew has been…
Flaky’s 2017 Top 5 GOTY List.
So, 2017 was a year where stuff happens, mostly stuff that was deemed "Not Cool" by folks who still talk like it's 2007.…
Let’s Talk About Tastelessly Violent Game Trailers
We’ve all heard the stories. “Video games are too violent!” “They’re ruining our youth!” Every time someone who…
This Is An Article Criticizing Marvel Vs Capcom: Infinite
Like many fans of the Marvel vs Capcom series, the announcement of a new installation after the abhorrent drop in…