1-2 Switch: an Interesting title?

One of the more “Interesting” titles announced at the Switch presentation was 1,2 Switch , a collection of mini games in the veins of the popular Warioware series and Nintendoland, the Wii U’s collection of minigames title.

the game uses both of the Joy-Con controllers in which two players fight over whose’s reaction time is faster and Nintendo claims that players would “look at your friends rather than the screen as you compete in a new style of video game party full of fast and fun face-to-face games.

Spin the wheel?

Judging by the pictures, the game will used the HD Rumble capabilities of the new Joy-cons to full affect. This game will launched along side both Switch console and the new Zelda game on March 3 2017.

You can watch the trailer below!


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